Check what the endorsement allows you to do, who can apply, and what you need to provide in your application.

Firearms Registry requirements apply from 24 June 2023

If you’re applying for or reapplying for a firearms licence endorsement from 24 June 2023, you must register all items in your possession within 30 days of submission, including those you have a permit for. 

This does not apply if you submitted your application before 24 June 2023. 

Firearms Registry 

When you need an endorsement as a bona fide collector

You must apply for an endorsement if you want to add any of the following items to your collection:

  • pistols
  • restricted weapons
  • prohibited firearms
  • prohibited magazines. 

For definitions of these items, visit: 

If you want to collect prohibited ammunition, visit possessing prohibited ammunition

What is a bona fide collector?

A bona fide collector has a genuine interest in a particular field, for example World War II.

Their collection could include items that are not firearms or arms items, such as uniforms, books or other related items. They are likely to have collections that are not firearms-related at all.

A bona fide collector will usually belong to a club or society that relates to their area of interest.  

They will usually be able to demonstrate their genuine interest by describing their collection focus and area of interest, which may include:  

  • technical development of firearms and munitions  
  • military history  
  • social and political history  
  • aesthetics of decoration and craftsmanship.

Additions to the collection must develop and enhance the collection’s themes and be consistent with the direction described in the endorsement application.

Having many guns or an interest in guns does not make someone a collector.

A group of unrelated firearms is not a collection. 

Who is eligible to apply

If the endorsement is for prohibited firearms or prohibited magazines, you must:

  • be aged 18 or over
  • have a New Zealand firearms licence, or be applying for one.

If the endorsement is for pistols or restricted weapons, you must:

  • have a New Zealand firearms licence, or be applying for one. 

How long the endorsement lasts

An endorsement lasts until: 

  • your firearms licence expires or is surrendered or revoked 
  • your endorsement is surrendered or revoked.

Information you need to provide in your application

When you apply for an endorsement, you need to provide the following information. 

Endorsement sought

You need to say which of the item-type you wish to include in your collection – pistols, restricted weapons, prohibited firearms or prohibited magazines.

If you are granted the endorsement, it will specify which types you can collect.

Reasons for possessing firearms

You need to describe your:
  • experience of firearms 
  • non-firearms collecting interests 
  • firearms collection if you have one, and
  • reasons for wanting to start or continue collecting endorsed firearms or other items.

Collecting activities

Collecting activities may include:

  • involvement in clubs 
  • researching history and historical items 
  • displaying arms items.

Before you change or expand your collecting activities or collection theme, you must have written authorisation from Te Tari Pūreke.

Your suitability

You need to describe:

  • why you are a suitable person to have access to pistols, restricted weapons, prohibited firearms or prohibited magazines
  • your collection interests and related activities
  • your obligations.

For information about your obligations, visit Bona fide collector endorsement: Conditions

Security arrangements

You must:  

  • provide the address where you store the items
  • describe your security arrangements.

Your security arrangements will be inspected.

If you do not have secure storage yet, you must arrange for it to be installed. Your application will not be approved until Te Tari Pūreke are satisfied with your secure storage arrangements.

Relevant legislation:

Referee details 

Your endorsement referee must:  

  • be aged 20 years or over
  • know and understand your collecting activities
  • know and understand your genuine interest in the field you collect in.

Your referee does not have to have a firearms licence.

Your endorsement referee must not be:  

  • your relative, spouse, or partner, or a former spouse or partner from the past five years  
  • your employee
  • employed by New Zealand Police  
  • living at the same address as you  
  • already in your licence application.

You may be asked to provide another referee as well.

If you are in a collecting club

If you are in a collecting club, use a club member as a referee – as long as they know you well.

If you use someone who is not a club member, your club committee must provide:  

  • a character reference
  • confirmation of duration of membership. 

A photo - if you are applying only for an endorsement

If you are only applying for an endorsement, and not a licence, you must provide a photo.

You must supply a recent, good quality digital photograph that is a good likeness of yourself. A scanned copy of a photograph will not be accepted.

The photograph must meet the minimum requirements as set out in Regulation 30 of the Arms Regulations 1992. Passport photos from commercial outlets will typically meet these requirements.

This means the photograph must:

  • have been taken within the last 12 months   
  • be a full front view of your face – chin to forehead and both sides of your face  
  • show head and shoulders, with the head filling most of the photograph  
  • be of you without a hat or head covering (except where your religion requires you to wear a hat or head covering)  
  • have a plain, light-coloured background  
  • be in colour and in focus  
  • be in portrait format (with a 4:3 aspect ratio)  
  • be in JPG or JPEG format  
  • be between 25KB and 10MB  
  • be between 900 and 4500 pixels wide and 1200 and 6000 pixels high. 

We will not accept photographs that do not meet these standards.

You may have to answer the same questions in your firearms licence application and your endorsement application – even if you are applying for them at the same time. 

When you reapply for your firearms licence, you must also reapply for your endorsement. 

How much it costs

It costs $204 to apply for an endorsement.

If you apply for other endorsements at the same time, you only pay $204 in total.

This endorsement fee is in addition to a licence application fee.

Fees include GST.

The easiest way to apply and pay is online through MyFirearms (there is a 1.9% card payment fee).

Fees cover the cost of processing your application and are not refundable regardless of the outcome of your application. 

Applying for permits

Once you have the required endorsement, you are eligible to apply for a permit to possess or import pistols, pistol carbine conversion kits (PCCKs), restricted weapons or prohibited arms items or their parts.

Learn more about permits


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phone Phone 0800 844 431 (04 499 2870)
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday